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Ersilia is a city where the inhabitants are joining threads of relationships on the walls and when they leave, it is the only thing that is left behind as a support. The three concepts that the story transmitted to me were those of uprooting, forgetting and connecting relationships. In my artist book, as the narrative progresses, the threads grow and underneath them, hidden, are Nicaraguan poems that speak of groups of people fleeing their country, except for one, which is rather the antithesis. Each poem has to be read in its entirety, following the thread in the direction indicated, but it also makes sense to read it vertically.

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My book creates new poems that make sense, symbolizing that when you move to a different city, you start over and have to adapt to different circumstances. The purpose is that the person who reads my artist's book can go through the memories of the people in each city, serving as a guide for the whole experience that the nomads are carrying out. In the threads, monochromatic colors such as black, white and grey show the mood of the inhabitants during their trajectory. This denotes the presence of monotony that transmits darkness, sadness and lack of life. The form that my project has is that of an eight page book because it portrays the simplicity in people's lives and that everything is connected like the pages of the book.

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